Mark Astern
professionally framed seascape in oil, 17"H x 21"W,
marine navigational buoy 5B near Dogfish Ledge at channel marking the entrance to Westport River Harbor at Buzzard's Bay, an often "dicey" passage in stormy weather with steep seas and rip current against a rising tide versus the outgoing river. The title, Mark Astern, is a nautical expression for making note of seeing the numbers passing a navigational mark.
marine navigational buoy 5B near Dogfish Ledge at channel marking the entrance to Westport River Harbor at Buzzard's Bay, an often "dicey" passage in stormy weather with steep seas and rip current against a rising tide versus the outgoing river. The title, Mark Astern, is a nautical expression for making note of seeing the numbers passing a navigational mark.